Why are you not as prosperous as you would want? Why is it that some people have more and others have less? Who is to blame for the different social status and wealth levels of people? Is it up to the Maker or it’s up to every individual when it comes to kingdom prosperity. I would like to show you the person who has disobeyed the commandment of nature for Kingdom prosperity.
In The Book ‘The Instant millionaire’ by Mark Fischer, the old millionaire asked, “WHY ARENT YOU RICH ALREADY” to the young man who had come to inquire about becoming a millionaire. The young man began to give many reasons why conditions and circumstances had not been favourable to him, just like you might be having your own. The old millionaire then told him that it was because of the many excuses and reasons that we use to justify our lack of prosperity that made him that way. Success and Kingdom prosperity begins when you quit playing one game; The Blame Game and begin to take responsibility for your success.
Immediately after the creation on man, the book tells us that there was a Eulogy that was spoken over the creation. The creator spoke words of empowerment and expectation. The expectation was not from selfish interests from the maker for the sake of His vision but it was an instruction that would determine the destiny, status and place of the created family.
Then God blessed them, and God said to them, "Be fruitful and multiply; fill the earth and subdue it; [Gen 1:28] NKJV
God blessed them: "Prosper! Reproduce! Fill Earth! Take charge! [Gen 1:2]- THE MESSAGE.
The Fourth Law shows us the first instruction that God spoke to the first couple and it states, The First Instruction or command that God gave to mankind was a commandment to fruitfulness before any other.
Prosperity and success is built around the principle of fruitfulness. Man was created to have dominion and rulership on earth so the instruction of fruitfulness shows how the assignment was going to be done. People are as prosperous and fulfilled to the level of their fruitfulness and the lesser there is fruitfulness the more frustration there is.
The command is, BE FRUITFUL. The word ‘Be’ is a demand on potential and the reason why God is placing this demand is because he knows that mankind was capacities with potential to do so. What then is to be fruitful? It means to be productive, blossom, prosper. According to the text above fruitfulness was not only pertaining to bearing children even though this is another aspect of it. Africa is experienced in the aspect of bearing children but the many children have not resulted in productivity which is the measuring standard of economies.
Looking into the word we get to understand the full implications of fruitfulness which is the initial stage of prosperity. There are a number aspects that fruitfulness addresses.
1. Fruit of the womb [Psalm 127:3]
This is very common and does not need much training. It is instinctive and this has not been a problem in Africa. Many have been fruitful in this sense and with the impact of sickness and death we have to be fruitful in this sense to preserve the race and continue with the legacy.
2. Fruit of thoughts [Jeremiah 6:19]
The second level of fruitfulness is what is termed the fruit of thoughts. Some have coined this as ‘brain child’. It is ideas that cover the whole spectrum of life. Ideas have changed the world and will continually do so. People, societies, organizations and nations are as strong as the ideas and concepts they live by. Inventions in architecture, technology, food, textile and all fields all began with ideas. People who are the most prosperous in terms of wealth and health are those who have been fruitful with ideas. One of the most popular success books ever to be written is, ‘Think and Grow Rich’ by Napoleon Hill. It shows us that success is a product of thoughts. If Africa is going to be a better place then we have to be more fruitful in this aspect and have many brain children. If you are going to be prosperous in life then you have to prosper in you thinking and ideas. Fruit of thoughts is not only ideas but in habitual thought. Our lives are a reflection of our thoughts.
As he thinks in his heart, so is he. [Proverbs 23: 7]
3. Fruit of mouth [Proverbs 18:20]
We prosper as a result of what we speak with our mouths. Many people have prospered as a result use of mouth. People are prospering through music, poetry and others through speaking. Gifts that use the gateway of the mouth matter so much in life transformations. People have mastered communication skills and are transforming societies as a result of this level of fruitfulness.
Prosperity is also a product of the words that we speak as explained in metaphysics. Words have creative ability so the more we are productive with our mouths the more prosperous we will be. Good communicators are happier, healthier, more paid, persuasive and esteemed by other people.
4. Fruit of the hands [Proverbs 31:31]
All works of art and innovation and all productivity are a result of the use of the hands. Ideas are usually executed through the use of hands and when we are told to be fruitful it also includes the use of bodies. The fruit of hands in this context is not only used to describe activity that directly uses hands but this is the fruit of physical talent, gifts, skills and abilities. There are people with sporting, artistic, mechanical intelligence and as they become fruitful in this aspect then prosperity is inevitable
5. The fruit of the spirit [Gal 5:22-23]
The last level of fruitfulness that I will talk about is that which comes from our inner self. It is that which has to do with our character. One has once said that your gift will take you up the ladder but your character will keep you there. Some people are very productive in the area of charitable work and even the strong motivation and driving force of love that is behind many activities and work. This fruit build strong relationships, families, policies and organisations.
With all the above, you have to assess your love and measure your level of fruitfulness. As I have studied the subject of fruitfulness there is one interesting aspect that I have noticed. No fruit tree eats its own fruit. Fruitfulness is always for the sake of others. When you are fruitful, your environment and surroundings will always do its best to protect and resource the fruitful. Who is enjoying your fruit? I love the wisdom behind fruitfulness. When you get orange fruits from orange trees, nothing is lost in terms of the capacity of the orange tree but death begins when you begin to take anything more than fruit. There will be death, loss and frustration when you are not living in the area of your gifts and talents to be fruitful. Stronger, healthier and happier people, families and societies are those with more fruitful lives.
The basic law in society is that Consumers are always servants to Producers and we are rewarded for fruitfulness and not spirituality. The King talked of his desire for a productive and fruitful citizenry saying,
"I am the true vine, and my Father is the gardener. 2 He cuts off every branch in me that bears no fruit, while every branch that does bear fruit he prunes so that it will be even more fruitful [John 15:1-2]
You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you to go and bear fruit — fruit that will last. Then the Father will give you whatever you ask in my name. [John 15:16-17]
The measure of economic strength is not potential but Gross Domestic Product. How productive are you?
Your value is not in the amount of resources at your disposal but in your ability and capacity of exploiting them-Coach Tarie: wisdom Garden.
Coach: Tarie-Pastor
In The Book ‘The Instant millionaire’ by Mark Fischer, the old millionaire asked, “WHY ARENT YOU RICH ALREADY” to the young man who had come to inquire about becoming a millionaire. The young man began to give many reasons why conditions and circumstances had not been favourable to him, just like you might be having your own. The old millionaire then told him that it was because of the many excuses and reasons that we use to justify our lack of prosperity that made him that way. Success and Kingdom prosperity begins when you quit playing one game; The Blame Game and begin to take responsibility for your success.
Immediately after the creation on man, the book tells us that there was a Eulogy that was spoken over the creation. The creator spoke words of empowerment and expectation. The expectation was not from selfish interests from the maker for the sake of His vision but it was an instruction that would determine the destiny, status and place of the created family.
The Laws Of Kingdom Prosperity - The Law Of First Command - Fruitfulness. |
God blessed them: "Prosper! Reproduce! Fill Earth! Take charge! [Gen 1:2]- THE MESSAGE.
The Fourth Law shows us the first instruction that God spoke to the first couple and it states, The First Instruction or command that God gave to mankind was a commandment to fruitfulness before any other.
Prosperity and success is built around the principle of fruitfulness. Man was created to have dominion and rulership on earth so the instruction of fruitfulness shows how the assignment was going to be done. People are as prosperous and fulfilled to the level of their fruitfulness and the lesser there is fruitfulness the more frustration there is.
The command is, BE FRUITFUL. The word ‘Be’ is a demand on potential and the reason why God is placing this demand is because he knows that mankind was capacities with potential to do so. What then is to be fruitful? It means to be productive, blossom, prosper. According to the text above fruitfulness was not only pertaining to bearing children even though this is another aspect of it. Africa is experienced in the aspect of bearing children but the many children have not resulted in productivity which is the measuring standard of economies.
Looking into the word we get to understand the full implications of fruitfulness which is the initial stage of prosperity. There are a number aspects that fruitfulness addresses.
1. Fruit of the womb [Psalm 127:3]
This is very common and does not need much training. It is instinctive and this has not been a problem in Africa. Many have been fruitful in this sense and with the impact of sickness and death we have to be fruitful in this sense to preserve the race and continue with the legacy.
2. Fruit of thoughts [Jeremiah 6:19]
The second level of fruitfulness is what is termed the fruit of thoughts. Some have coined this as ‘brain child’. It is ideas that cover the whole spectrum of life. Ideas have changed the world and will continually do so. People, societies, organizations and nations are as strong as the ideas and concepts they live by. Inventions in architecture, technology, food, textile and all fields all began with ideas. People who are the most prosperous in terms of wealth and health are those who have been fruitful with ideas. One of the most popular success books ever to be written is, ‘Think and Grow Rich’ by Napoleon Hill. It shows us that success is a product of thoughts. If Africa is going to be a better place then we have to be more fruitful in this aspect and have many brain children. If you are going to be prosperous in life then you have to prosper in you thinking and ideas. Fruit of thoughts is not only ideas but in habitual thought. Our lives are a reflection of our thoughts.
As he thinks in his heart, so is he. [Proverbs 23: 7]
3. Fruit of mouth [Proverbs 18:20]
We prosper as a result of what we speak with our mouths. Many people have prospered as a result use of mouth. People are prospering through music, poetry and others through speaking. Gifts that use the gateway of the mouth matter so much in life transformations. People have mastered communication skills and are transforming societies as a result of this level of fruitfulness.
Prosperity is also a product of the words that we speak as explained in metaphysics. Words have creative ability so the more we are productive with our mouths the more prosperous we will be. Good communicators are happier, healthier, more paid, persuasive and esteemed by other people.
4. Fruit of the hands [Proverbs 31:31]
All works of art and innovation and all productivity are a result of the use of the hands. Ideas are usually executed through the use of hands and when we are told to be fruitful it also includes the use of bodies. The fruit of hands in this context is not only used to describe activity that directly uses hands but this is the fruit of physical talent, gifts, skills and abilities. There are people with sporting, artistic, mechanical intelligence and as they become fruitful in this aspect then prosperity is inevitable
5. The fruit of the spirit [Gal 5:22-23]
The last level of fruitfulness that I will talk about is that which comes from our inner self. It is that which has to do with our character. One has once said that your gift will take you up the ladder but your character will keep you there. Some people are very productive in the area of charitable work and even the strong motivation and driving force of love that is behind many activities and work. This fruit build strong relationships, families, policies and organisations.
With all the above, you have to assess your love and measure your level of fruitfulness. As I have studied the subject of fruitfulness there is one interesting aspect that I have noticed. No fruit tree eats its own fruit. Fruitfulness is always for the sake of others. When you are fruitful, your environment and surroundings will always do its best to protect and resource the fruitful. Who is enjoying your fruit? I love the wisdom behind fruitfulness. When you get orange fruits from orange trees, nothing is lost in terms of the capacity of the orange tree but death begins when you begin to take anything more than fruit. There will be death, loss and frustration when you are not living in the area of your gifts and talents to be fruitful. Stronger, healthier and happier people, families and societies are those with more fruitful lives.
The basic law in society is that Consumers are always servants to Producers and we are rewarded for fruitfulness and not spirituality. The King talked of his desire for a productive and fruitful citizenry saying,
"I am the true vine, and my Father is the gardener. 2 He cuts off every branch in me that bears no fruit, while every branch that does bear fruit he prunes so that it will be even more fruitful [John 15:1-2]
You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you to go and bear fruit — fruit that will last. Then the Father will give you whatever you ask in my name. [John 15:16-17]
The measure of economic strength is not potential but Gross Domestic Product. How productive are you?
Your value is not in the amount of resources at your disposal but in your ability and capacity of exploiting them-Coach Tarie: wisdom Garden.
Coach: Tarie-Pastor
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